of the Lower North Shore |
Please click on the name of the village below to find out more
about the region. You can also use the links below the map to navigate as well.
The Lower North Shore stretches
from the Natashquan River to the border of Labrador. It consists
of 15 small villages, each with its own distinct character. Many
are still not accessible by road. Years of isolation allowed each
village to develop variations in traditions, architecture and even
accents. The population was once scattered across more than 70 tiny
fishing posts. Today’s consolidated villages range in population
from 50 to almost 1000 residents. |
Kegaska - Population: 130
La Romaine (Unamen Shipu) - Population: 1,050
Chevery - Population: 300
Harrington Harbour - Population: 300
Tête-à-la-Baleine - Population: 250
Mutton Bay - Population: 192
La Tabatière - Population: 499
Pakua Shipi - Population: 300
Saint Augustine
- Population: 791
Old Fort Bay - Population: 347
St. Paul's River - Population: 468
Middle Bay - Population: 52
Brador - Population: 136
Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon - Population: 750
Blanc-Sablon - Population: 325